How to host Pilates Teacher Training in a studio?

Hosting a Pilates Teacher Training is a great way to bring in new clients and find new teachers for your studio. Your first decision is choosing an education program to apply to host. Programs vary widely in quality and content, so do some research online and ask trusted teachers for their recommendations. Once you have selected a program, submit your host application. The requirements to host a Mat Program are typically less stringent than for Apparatus Programs, where certain brands and pieces of apparatus may be required. Your host contract will specify your responsibilities and benefits. Host studios often receive a free seat in a training class after a certain number of registrations and may receive discounts on other programs and merchandise.

Hosting options vary:

- Franchise: Some require you make a specific investment of your own money to buy in to join a franchise.

- Partnership: Others share a percentage of the profits. In those cases you decide how much time and money you are comfortable investing. The more you put in the more you'll get out.

- Private Hosting: You pay up front for a private training held at your studio for your trainers

- Rental: A specific amount of money is agreed on by the studio and education provider. Less work and control by the studio and the money is limited.

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