Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Power Pilates Education programs. If you have a question that is not answered here, contact the Education Department at info@powerpilates.com for assistance.

Q: How should I prepare for the course?

A: Before entering the course, you should have a working knowledge of Pilates in your own body so take as many classes as possible - at your local studio or on Power Pilates Live. Understanding the exercises in your own body will allow you to focus on learning to teach, rather than what the exercises are.

We recommend taking classes of the level you are entering (beginner Mat classes before Core Mat 1, etc). A minimum of 10 classes at the appropriate level are recommended before starting a Mat level and a minimum of 25 apparatus sessions are recommended before entering the Comprehensive Apparatus Teacher Training Program.

After registering for your course, you will receive a link to any study materials (such as the order of exercises, Mat video, or anatomy charts) that you should memorize before the first weekend intensive of your program.

Be sure to contact the Education Department at info@powerpilates.com with any questions. We're here to help!

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