Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Power Pilates Education programs. If you have a question that is not answered here, contact the Education Department at info@powerpilates.com for assistance.

Q: Why Power Pilates Education? What philosophy does your program follow?

A: We are delighted that you have found Power Pilates' Education program. Our curriculum is based on a Classical, systematic, and integrative philosophy that allows us to train the best teachers in the industry.

All our programs honor the original teachings, principles, vocabulary, and exercise order as outlined by Joseph Pilates and passed on by Romana Kryzanowska and The Elders. While "Contemporary" Pilates programs may adapt, modify, or reinterpret the exercises, method, or language, we maintain a focus on the original intent of Joseph Pilates' work.

From Beginner to Intermediate and on to Advanced level, each exercise or session has a precise and meaningful sequence of movements that is organized with a natural, yet defined, purpose and progression. This ensures a level of consistency among our teachers and provides for constancy of training among clientele.

Using the original Pilates Apparatus, our programs provide the intelligence for understanding how each piece of Apparatus works and how to integrate them into a session at the appropriate time and for the correct purpose. This teaching structure ensures the best results based on individual client needs.

In the Student Handbook, you will find information on our history, our program curriculum and requirements, and opportunities gained by becoming a Power Pilates teacher. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Power Pilates Education Office for guidance.

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