普拉提器械 2 级 登记

10月06-08, 2025 - Ha Noi

普拉提器械 2 级 登记

10月06-08, 2025

Classical Pilates Center
7 Nghi Tam Street
Yen Phu Ward, Tay Ho District
Ha Noi, VN 1000


Classical Pilates Center

Weekend #1 October 6-8, 2025
Weekend #2 October 10-12, 2025

Program Hours for Weekend 1:
Monday 2:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday 2:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday 2:00pm-8:00pm

Program Hours for Weekend 2:
Friday 2:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm

普拉提器械 2 级


Pilates TeacherAlexis Dugdale

Alexis is originally from Virginia and relocated to Windsor, England in 2008. As a classically trained ballet dancer, she danced professionally for 10 years. Alexis danced with the Richmond Ballet in Richmond, Virginia for 3 years; The Lexington Ballet in Lexington, Kentucky for 3 years; and danced for 4 more years with the Ballet Theatre of Maryland in Annapolis, Maryland, finishing her career in the spring of 2008.

Alexis discovered Pilates at Evolutions Body Clinic in Annapolis in 2004. Pilates benefited Alexis in her career as a dancer. As she progressed in her Pilates training she became stronger, her balance improved and she felt more efficient in her movements. Having discovered the benefits of Pilates in her own body, she began the Power Pilates teacher training program in Annapolis in 2005. Alexis continued her education in New York City where she became a comprehensively trained Power Pilates instructor for all levels including Beginner through Advanced Mat and Levels I, II and III of the Power Pilates Systems Training program. In 2012, Alexis was invited to become a Power Pilates Teacher Trainer.

Alexis recently returned to the United States after teaching in Windsor, England and in London at Pi Studios Battersea, the UK's home of Power Pilates.


Classical Pilates Center


我们理解有时计划会发生变化. 对于任何 Power Pilates 课程,我们不提供退款. 但是,如果您无法参加您注册的课程并且在课程开始第一天之前通知我们,您可以转到其他课程或将学费存入账户备用. 所有课程变更、转班和取消均需支付额外 150 美元的变更费用,费用将在选择新课程时支付.

Power Pilates 保留因不可预见情况推迟或重新安排任何课程或项目的权利. 学员将收到通知,可以选择参加延期日期的课程或将学费存入账户备用.

有关详细信息,请参阅 Power Pilates 学员合同



Weekend #1 October 6-8, 2025
Weekend #2 October 10-12, 2025

Program Hours for Weekend 1:
Monday 2:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday 2:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday 2:00pm-8:00pm

Program Hours for Weekend 2:
Friday 2:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm

普拉提器械 2 级 - Classical Pilates Center

₫48000000.00 ₫43200000.00

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我同意遵守 Power Pilates 学员合同.

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